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The factory of BIO.ME on workers´ hands


We would like to inform you about the actions that the workers of BIO.ME intend to take in the coming period till the end of February.

In the meeting we had at the Ministry of Employment we pointed out to the minister that many of the issues we had raised 20 months ago have not yet been answered. We also pointed out that even for these issues that the ministry had already taken an initiative, nothing followed, as the process is blocked from other ministries.

We stressed the fact that we treat ministries as a part of a whole entity, namely, the state, and we cannot wait any longer.

We have reached such a point of despair that we see that we have nothing more to lose besides what we have already lost.

We informed the minister that we start operating the factory and we do not care for the consequences, as we think that we are already in the worst state.

Colleagues, in our general assembly, we, the workers of BIO.ME decided that the only way out from this disaster is to take control of the production line, to take the responsibility and to operate the factory via the general assembly of the workers. We therefore call every worker, unemployed, unionist and individuals to take a stand on the issue.

To this issue, we answered that we want back our jobs, we want back our lives, we want our dignity.  Does this sound irrational? If it does, then yes, we are irrational. Is this considered illegal? If yes, then we are illegal. Is this considered a unrealistic dream? Then yes, we go for the dream, to feed our families.

We call neighborhood-assemblies, political organizations, trade unions and social centres to take a stand on this issue.

Take a stand on this issue that is at stake today. Take a stand and break the chains around. Speak out and give an answer.

The general  assembly of the workers of BIO.ME

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