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Statement by three of the anarchists arrested for the bank robbery in Kozani

Greek original

We steal a couple of words from the cells of the detention centre where we are held hostage, in order to state our aims and our intentions and to clear up the air regarding the recent events.

As Anarchists, we deem the choice of a bank robbery as a conscious act of resistance. Our act did not aim at the creation of personal wealth. The attack against the temples of capital is part of our revolutionary activity as a whole.

Regarding our torturing by the forces of repression, we do not want this to comprise a point for our victimisation. We expected nothing less from the enemies of freedom. Let’s not forget how many people have been crushed inside their police stations and their prisons. Let the marks of our torturing comprise yet another occasion for rage to turn into action.

Against the institutional representatives of justice, our position shall be irreconcilable and tenacious.



The Anarchists

Nikos Romanos

Andreas-Dimitris Bourzoukos

Giannis Michailidis

PS. A longer statement by all four of us will follow, regarding our case.


UPDATE from !!!


Exclusive photos: police’s Special Anti-terrorist Unit enter hospital’s Emergency Department while tortured anarchist is treated by doctors

For background to the case see: Greek police publish images of arrested and tortured anarchists that are altered in photoshop; Regarding Andreas-Dimitris Bourzoukos, one of the four arrested and tortured anarchists in Kozani and statement by three of the anarchists arrested for the bank robbery in Kozani.

via e-mail:

- The place where these photos were taken is the emergency department/surgery of the Evagelismos hospital on February 3d, 2013, during the transfer of A. Bourzoukos. The department had no access to the exterior of the hospital, let alone the room where they took A.M. in order for him to be examined.

- As it is obvious from the photographs, the members of police’s anti-terrorist squad (EKAM) are inside the place, fully armed – a practice that is not allowed, as the medical staff kept whispering between them. When the surgery department’s head asked them to let him examine Bourzoukos without the presence of armed men, they refused to leave, since they would be violating their commanders’ orders. He then asked them to stay (which was already against the rules) within the surgery space, but outside the door of the room where he would be examining Bourzoukos, but they refused, once again. Why? There was no access to the room from the outside, unless one was to blow up the entire building – and it was equally impossible for Bourzoukos, say, to take the doctor hostage. Beaten across his entire face, “without a bone that wasn’t broken”, as they said, and with his hands cuffed behind his back.

- He was then examined and (the best part of it all) the men of the anti-terrorist unit then asked for the names of the doctors, which were not handed to them, of course.

- Could it be that medical privacy has been abolished? Perhaps along with university asylum, which was hiding such a “dangerous” criminal inside the campus of Mytilini [trans. where Bourzoukos was studying]?

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