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Greece is on sale in a scandalous way!

The reportage of Envoyé Spécial, broadcast on French TV provides evidence to a scandalous story that took place in Northern Greece.

This story concerns the beautiful forest land “Skouries” that was sold by the Greek state to the Canadian mining company “Eldorado Gold” in order to exploit its precious subsoil and therefore be enormously profited from it. The forest though has been assigned for the symbolic price of one euro without an open tender and this how the scandal was implemented. A Greek mayor, Christos Pachtas, has facilitated the trade – off of the forest asking from “Eldorado Gold” to hire “his own people” but when he was asked by the journalist of the reportage to answer the accusations made against him by local people, he just flew off the handle and asked her to leave his office!


Video from France 2 with English subtitles:

Pachtas Scandal english subs from Reinform NL on Vimeo.


Here is another video by the Latinamerican Channel TeleSur.

And here is another report about the same scandal.



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