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Greek Doctors in despair

Local committee of the Association of Hospital Doctors of Athens and Piraeus

General Hospital of Nikaia-Pireus


The doctors of the hospital have demanded their names to be removed from the schedule of the on-call duties of March as they are unpaid for 5 consecutive months.

According to the decision of a massive general assembly, the doctors of the General Hospital of Nikaia-Piraeus “A. Panteleimon” requested officially their names to be removed from the schedule of the on-call duties of March 2013.

The reasons for this decision are the following:

1.     Not a single doctor has been remunerated for his on-call duties in the months of November 2012, December 2012, January 2013 and of course February 2013.

2.     The on-call duties of the first seven (7) months of 2012 have not been fully remunerated despite the affirmative promise of the minister of Health, Lykouretzos.

3.     The extra on-call duties from July 2012 onwards have not been remunerated.

4.     Several doctors have not even been fully remunerated for their on-call duties in 2011 despite the promises of the former minister of Health, Loverdos.

The issue is very crucial, as due to the large cut of our salaries, the remuneration of the on-call duties is essential for our survival.

The doctors of the hospital feel strongly that the state as a common profiteer aiming to deceive the hospital doctors by forcing them to excessive unpaid overtime work.

The leadership of the ministry of Health has the full responsibility for whatever happens after Friday 1st of March.

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