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Free media in Greece are under attack

Athens Indymedia and independent radio station 98fm are under attack since yesterday.

Repression shall not pass!

The website of three independent media that are associated to the movement,, Radio 98FM and Radio Entasi are not accessible since Thursday noon due to state repression.

Their ISPs stopped providing an internet connection following the prosecutors decision.
Three of the media which are used by the movement,, Radio 98FM and Radio Entasi are not accessible since Thursday noon through their sites due to state repression.
After prosecutors decision ISPs stopped providing internet.

At times where the Greek society is struggling to survive and resist, the state has decided to eliminate the independent media. This is their only way to hide and justify the fascist repression they apply to control the society. This attack signals the escalation of the state repression at all levels: economy, democracy, society.


Indymedia  is one of the independent media that are providing counter information about small or big labor struggles and incidences of local and international resistance.

2This also shows that they are afraid of free media. The state terrorists are terrified. They are terrified by the revolutionary ideas that these media are transmitting. They want to allow no alternative to the people than following the mainstream media that are willing to play their game.

They want to silence any voice that becomes an obstacle to their plans.

There is a call for demonstration today, Friday, April 12 at 13.00, in the main square in Zografou University Campus.

Access by bus:
608 of Academy
242 from metro station Katehaki





You can always access indymedia through Tor project. It is also available at


Back in 2008 when A. Grigoropoulos was murdered; mainstream media manipulated the video of the killing in order to justify what happened. None would have known what really happened if there was not indymedia to provide alternative information.


Greece is in the 84th position on press freedom. Congo, Zambia, Ghana and other democratic countries are higher in the list.


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Number of Entries : 393

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