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Riot police has entered the village – Song by «Υπεραστικοί»

Song dedicated to the struggle of people of Chalkidiki against gold mining.

Bells toll

Protester old woman singing traditional song about Greek revolution against the Turks

Protester old woman inviting the riot police to approach in the name of the Greek resistance WWII movement


Riot police has entered the village next to Ksiropotami (Ξηροποτάμι)

Six vans with dogs sent by the bosses

Come on villagers, old men and women

Let’s stand up bravely against Dendia’s flock


This sleepless tear is not the result of tear gases

It awaits throughout the years a major resistance movement to take place


Μεγάλη Παναγιά (Megali Panagia) and Iερισσός (Ierissos) are alert

Since these devils have burst in to frighten us having burst, fellow villagers

Let the villages’ bells toll, oh bothers,

As a response to the company’s wit

Wanting to take away everything from us


White flags no more when they destroy our land

They become wild dogs when it comes to profit

When we only struggle for a human life


We know this army

They used to attack workers, students and shipbuilders, peoples in agony


Let’s now go where the fires burn

And with us let’s take the musicians

So that our hearts become stronger by music and shouting

And let our brave hearts empower our feasts

So we can enter the fight for the forest in Skouries (Σκουριές)

Νote: Ksiro Potami, Megali Panagia, Ierissos and Skouries are all areas directly affected by the gold mining and whose inhabitants are actively involved in the protests against it

Note: Nikos Dendias is the minister of Public order and citizen protection.

Under his jurisdiction is among others, the Riot police


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Number of Entries : 435

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