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Benefit dinner in Amsterdam supporting [independent media community]

REINFORM organises a 3-course vegan dinner at MKZ (Eerste Schinkelstraat 16, Amsterdam).

This time we try to support the crowd-funding campaign of, an independent media community in Athens, Greece.


Radiobubble is an open medium for communication and information, run by a community of volunteers. We’re based in Athens, even though many of us live in other cities around the world. We operate on the basis of relationships of trust and mutual respect. We don’t follow the hierarchical structure of conventional, mainstream media.

We inform the world of events in crisis-hit Greece through a permanent newsfeed.

We conduct in-depth research on topics that the mainstream media tend to ignore.

We participate in cultural life, promote communication and spread information.

We develop, promote and support solidarity initiatives for people in need.

We are a community gathered around radiobubble, an open medium for information and culture, a hub of the Greek web where citizen journalism becomes reality
Read more about RB here –>

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