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It’s high time IMF ceases to exist and the Greek government resigns

You can find the recent report from IMF on Greece here: Link [pdf]

Some read the recent IMF report on Greece as a mea culpa for its mistakes in the Greek bailout.

We see it differently. You can say sorry for an unintended mistake, a miscalculation. The case we have here is not an accident. IMF’s inhumane and otherwise ineffective policies are not, as IMF asserts, the result of a methodological error, simply the story of the wrong multiplier.

IMF failed because it is operating on the dogma of neo liberalism, and in mere defense of the capital. Blind by ideology, IMF got Greece wrong as they did with Argentina, or the Asian financial crisis. However, ideology on its own is not a sufficient explanation for the extend of the failure we experience in Greece. It’s the nondemocratic and unaccountable nature of IMF – a qualification that holds equally true for ECB and the Commission, the other two parties in the so-called Troika – and the arrogant and anti popular Greek ruling elite that allowed the IMF ideology to become a catastrophe for the Greek society.


With youth unemployment at 58.3% you don’t need the IMF to tell you there is a major blunder.

It’s high time IMF ceases to exist and the Greek government assumes its responsibility and resigns.




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