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Panhellenic Association of Journalist Unions – The strike for free press continues

After the reactionary speech of PM Samaras for the closure of the public broadcaster ERT that produced fierce reaction in Greece and in all over the world, today Thursday June 13th, the unions and the coordination of the media workers decided unanimously to prolong our strike in all electronic and paper media. In this strike participate journalists, administrative personnel, technical-support employees in radio, tv, internet and paper media (newspapers and magazines), typographers as well as employees of the Athens News Agency, the Macedonian News Agency and the General Secretary of Press. The only media workers that are not meant to participate in the strike are those that are employed in electronic media that broadcast the program of the ERT-workers.


We live in a historical moment. As the reality suggests is not imposed only with tanks. It can also be imposed with black screens, with Legislative Acts and by abolishing public goods. The Greek prime minister attacked once more the workers, their rights and their freedom. The political parties that are holding power since 1974 are responsible for the corruption in public television as well as in all public institutions. They should be brought to justice and get punished for this!

Their attempt to mislead the public opinion stating that they shut down the public television due to corruption will extend in the short future to the closure of the public electricity company (DEI), the public hospitals, the public water company (EIDAP) and the public schools.

The issue of ERT provided the sparkle for the mobilization of thousands of people. The journalists, who have devoted their lives to freedom of press, the technicians, the typographers, the audio engineers, the administrative employees and all the media workers decided to continue their struggle and reveal the truth to the Greek people.

Association of newspaper editors of Athens

Association of journalists of periodicals and electronic press

Association of personnel of daily newspapers of Athens

Association of personnel of daily newspapers of Thessaloniki

Association of technicians of daily periodical press of Athens

Association of personnel of newspaper agencies of Athens

Association of technical personnel of private television of Attica

Association of technical personnel of the Greek Radio

Association of photo reporters of Greece

Association of personnel of periodical and electronic press

Panhellenic association of lithografers


Athens, June 13th 2013

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Number of Entries : 435

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