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No Border Camp in Rotterdam, 2 -10 August.

While Dutch politicians are taking their summer holidays, human rights campaigners and activists are coming from all over Europe and elsewhere to Rotterdam to build a strong front against the government and its prison industrial complex engaged in discrimination, repression and detention of refugees coming to the Netherlands.
aint-no-border-high-enough-300x196Despite widespread condemnation, including from the UN and Amnesty International, refugees continue to be submitted to harsh physical and verbal abuse inside detention centres where lengthy solitary confinement is commonplace and medical care is near to non-existent. Among them are men, women and children fleeing wars and their aftermath, such as Afghanistan and Iraq, in which the Netherlands has been complicit and bears responsibility.

The No Border Camp Rotterdam is a yearly event and takes place from 2-10th of August – each day is filled with challenging and informative lectures, debates and workshops culminating in a demonstration on the last day in the centre of Rotterdam!

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