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Say “NO!” To War in Syria – Demonstration against foreign military intervention (31/8 Den Haag)

On the early mornings of August 21st, an alleged chemical attack took place in the outskirts of Damascus. It is still largely unclear who is responsible for this act, but the parallels with the prelude to the invasion of Iraq are astounding. Without any definite proof the Mainstream Media has conveniently manipulated the emotions of millions and used this event to galvanize the public into supporting yet another war of aggression on foreign soil. Not only there are economic and human considerations to make, for the wars will be funded with our money and it will be our children, friends and parents who will be sent to fight on the front lines, but there also are moral and historical ones.


In a situation that is so emotionally intense for those involved or with a personal interest at stake, be it the life of a loved one in Syria or religious belief, it is natural to revert to a dualistic thinking and polarize the conflict between two base camps. In the absence of absolute proof on either side, those of us in foreign lands have no option but to observe the situation from afar and maintain our stance irregardless and independently of the other two positions – that of being against imperialist foreign western intervention.

We are calling on activists in the Netherlands to come together in the organization of a mass demonstration in the country’s seat of politics and diplomacy – The Hague – to demand that foreign governments do not militarily intervene in the Syrian conflicts.

Are you a concerned individual or do you represent an activist organization? If you are willing to take part in the organization of the demonstration, an organization and strategy meeting will be held on Thursday, August 29th, 2013

For further information:
We will get back to you ASAP.

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