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State and shadowy attacks against the antifa movement and migrants in Greece

In the recent months, state and shadowy/parastatal attacks by police forces and fascist groups against antifascists and immigrants in Greece have increased alarmingly.

The country is being rapidly turned into a battlefield of a new civil war and the state stands for it. Here you can see an indicative inventory of the most significant attacks in the period of the last three months:

01/06 – Formal grievance about racist police violence to immigrants in Kato Patissia

03/06 – Racists attack the residence of immigrants in the area of Aegaleo

04/06 – Neo-Nazis’ attack the offices of the political party “”NAR and the newspaper “PRIN”

04/06 – Thessaloniki: Barrage of transgender persons’ summoning before the police authorities

07/06 – Attack on the offices of the “Left Intervention of Citizens” in Vironas district of Athens

10/06 – Lawsuit filed by a foreigner for racist attack in Messolonghi

18/06 – Terrorist attack against an executive member of the political party NAR

22/06 – Second shadowy/parastatal attack against a member of the “Movement for Liberties and Democratic Rights in Our Times (ΚΕΔΔΕ).”

25/06 – Silencing of Athens Indymedia through a cyber-attack

25/06 – Formal Grievance: Fascist bullies hit teenagers in the center of Thebes.

26/06 – Fascists attack the LGBTQI community in Patras.

28/06 – Ten Golden Dawn members attack two antifascists in the center of Corinth.

30/06 – University students in Crete Illegally persecuted for actions of social struggle.

02/07 – Breaking and entering the dormitory of the Technological Educational Institute of Igoumenitsa

02/07 – Fascists vandalize the offices of SYRIZA – Social Unitary Front in Kallithea

02/07 – The Hellenic Patriotic Association attacks a transvestite event in Larissa

03/07 – Racist attack in Menidi: Mohammad Nadeem becomes a victim of a racist attack while waiting at the bus stop.

03/07 – Fascist attack on the lodge of the municipal party “Resistance with the Citizens of Chalandri”

04/07 – Fascist attacks on offices of the Municipal party organizations of ARAN/ANTARSYA

04/07 – Unprovoked attack of a gang of nationalists against 4 Greek university students in the area of Psiri, Athens

06/07 – Members of the Golden Dawn attack an antifascist concert in Kallithea – Athens

07/07 – Fascists attack a number of persons in the area of the Technological Educational Institute of the town of Karditsa and injure some of them.

08/07 – Two platoons of the Order Restoration Police Unit (MAT) and teams of the special police force DELTA surround university students who tried to prevent the meeting of the Administrative Council of the Kapodistrian University’s Deanship and summon them before legal authorities.

09/07 – Sexist flirtation of two young women by fascists in Likovrisi – Attica, followed by the walloping of the fascists by antifascists

10/07 – Approximately 100 members of the Golden Dawn, accompanied by police force, attack the Free Social Space “Synergeio” in Ilioupolis, Athens

10/07 – Unprovoked attack by teams of the special police force DELTA against people marching in solidarity with Kostas Sakkas in the area of Acropolis.

11/07 – Invasion of the occupied lodge “Nadir” in Thessaloniki, followed by investigation

12/07 – Racist attack by fascist bullies in Skourta

12/07 – Attack against the Solidarity Network of the 6th municipal district of Athens “Mirmigi” with an inflammatory mechanism

12/07 – Attack of Golden Dawn members in the Athens area of Tavros

13/07 – Thessaloniki: Continuation of unprovoked arrests of transvestite women (5 women this time)

24/07 – Clashes in Patras between antifascists and members of the Golden Dawn after an event organized by the latter

24/07 – The Order Restoration Police Unit (MAT) attacks an antifascist meeting in Patras

24/07 – Athens: Golden Dawn members violently whop an immigrant and throw him in the refuse dump

26/07 – Golden Dawn members attack a 16 year-old student and young activist of SYRIZA, in Patras

05/08 – Police invades three squats in Patras: a) squat “Parartima” in the center of the city, b) squat N. Gizi 33 of the Self-managed Resort of the Patras’ Technological Educational Institute, and c) squat “Marangopoulio”, where the 5 comrades are arrested. Later in the day, eleven solidarists are summoned y the police before legal authorities

14/08 – Th. S. dies by falling out of a moving trolley after his dispute with the ticket-inspector and the trolley’s driver in the Athens’ area of Peristeri

14/08 – After the death of Th. S., 13 solidarists in Thessaloniki are arrested for graffiti against ticket-inspectors

17/08 – Police Invades the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (claiming that they found bottles ready to be transformed into Molotov cocktails

21/08 – Police Invades the self-managed meeting lodges at the National Metsovio Polytechnic

25/08 – A citizen of Larissa is attacked by a Golden Dawn electoral candidate

26/08 – Police invades the squat at the Valveios Library in Messolonghi. The squat is immediately re-occupied by the squatters but the cops re-invade it and seal it entrance

27/08 – The court sentences 7 of the 13 solidarists arrested in Thessaloniki to 12 months imprisonment with reprieve. The prosecutor is extremely provocative reaching the point of saying: “Unfortunately, there exists the “presumption of innocence”!

29/08 – Police invades the squat “Antiviosi” in the city of Giannena

30/08 – Fascists attack the (accompanied by her African friend) Head Nurse of addiction cessation unit “18 above”

30/08 – An orgy of repression and manhunt in the city of Giannena after an attack against the Regional Administrator. A total of 77 persons are summoned but they are finally not arrested

01/09 – Attack in the municipality of Dafni against the lodge “MARIDA” (associated with a municipal movement where the Workers’ Revolutionary Party –ΕΕΚ) is one of its participants

01/09 – Members of the Golden Dawn attack a residence of antifascists in the town of Ptolemaeda

02/09 – Police invade the squat “Orphanage” in Thessaloniki and arrest 7 squatters

03/09 – Trial of Savvas Michael, after a lawsuit by members of the Golden Dawn for an antifascist speech he had made, as well as of the rector of the Polytechnic School of the university of Athens, K. Moutzouris, for the accommodation of the “Athens Indymedia” in the School’s premises


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