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Into The Fire – Documentary Screening, 6-10-2013, Utrecht


Greece is in crisis. But the economic crisis is not the only one. An asylum crisis has gripped the country at this
time of severe austerity. And it hits the most vulnerable: refugees, including minors, who have left everything
behind fleeing their countries to find safety.

We would like to invite you to watch with us ‘Into the Fire’, a crowd funded documentary on the grave situation of immigrants and refugees in Greece. The film gives incredible insight to the reality of migrants as the victims of austerity, racist crime, police violence and EU policies.

Read more about the film here:
You can watch the trailer here:

After the movie, we will have the opportunity to discuss with one of the two creators of the film, Kate Mara, and
participate in her new project on the free choice for migrants coming to Europe.

As the creators of the film mention in their web site the documentary was made on their own time and only had some donations to help cover travel expenses. Therefore we would like to kindly ask you to consider donating. You will have the chance to donate during the screening but you could also donate via documentary’s official web site

Date: Sunday, 6 October, 18.00
Location: de Rooie Rat, Utrecht, Oudegracht 65


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