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Golden Dawn shootings: What we know so far

Read everything that has happened since Friday΄s murderous attack.

FOSPHOTOS / Panayiotis Tzamaros
The incident
Around 7 p.m. on Friday November 1, two persons riding a motorcycle pulled off on Irakleiou Boulevard, outside a local office of the Golden Dawn party, in Neo Irakleio, northern Athens. They were wearing helmets, according to witnesses. The person who was not driving, approached the entrance to the offices on foot and repeatedly shot two men who were there. Another man was wounded. The entrance is on a side street off Irakleiou Boulevard. The perpetrators of the attack, got back on their motorcycle and sped away. According to reports in the Greek press, the whole attack was over in seven seconds.The aftermath
Doctors at the St. Anna hospital where the two dead were taken, said that they had been shot in the head and the torso. Doctors at Athens General Hospital ‘Gennimatas’, said that the wounded man was hit in the abdominal area.

An amateur video released on Greek television, taken moments after the shooting, portrays the panic than ensued and the cries for help from bystanders.

The leads
Police initially found twelve 9mm bullet casings at the crime scene. A thirteenth bullet casing was discovered Sunday. Ballistic tests, reportedly have shown that the weapon used is a Zastava 9mm pistol, which had not been previously used in a criminal or terrorist attack. Authorities found an abandoned motorcycle near the area, which conforms to witness accounts of the motorcycle used. At the time of writing it has not been established whether it was used in the attack. Police are also examining security camera footage, provided by Golden Dawn. Hellenic Counter Terrorism Agency has taken over the preliminary inquiry.

The victims
George Fountoulis, 27, worked in a cafe in Irakleion. Was not a longtime member of Golden Dawn. Would have security detail duties.

Emmanuel (Manolis or Manos) Kapelonis, 22, worked in his dad’s business, a firm active in the health care sector. Was not a longtime member of Golden Dawn. Would have security detail duties.

Wounded: Alexandros Gerontas, 29, in the Gennimatas hospital emergency care unit. Was a School of Agriculture graduate. Was not a longtime member of Golden Dawn. He has undergone extensive operations in the abdominal area and doctors removed his spleen. He is fighting for his life, slowly showing signs of recovery.

Kapelonis was buried in Artemida, Attica, earlier on Monday.
Fountoulis is to be buried at 3 p.m. on the same day, at the Paleo Irakleio cemetery, northern Athens.

George Fountoulis’s father Labros wrote in a statement that those attending the funeral should go as friends, not as members of Golden Dawn. He also said that no politician, from any party should attend, either. “We do not want blood…We do not want honour,” he wrote on Facebook, a direct allusion to the Golden Dawn slogan “Blood and Honour” which traces itself back to a Nazi slogan (Blut und Ehre).

Olga Vlahou, the mother of wounded man Alexandros Gerontas is a municipal counselor in Kifissia, and she was elected with a formation with ties to the Independent Greeks party. In an interview to Mega television she said: “Alexandros was the first to take the bullet and is fighting for his life”. She said her son had gone to the Golden Dawn offices to get Fountoulis’s CV, in order to help him find a job.

There is a Facebook community page dedicated to the two dead:
George Foundoulis, Manolis Kapelonis, Immortal Heroes

The family of Emmanuel Kapelonis deactivated his account after his death.

Political reactions

Golden Dawn: “A motorcycle with two helmet-wearing terrorists stopped in front of the Golden Dawn office in Neo Irakleio, at the time when the offices were in operation and there were several people at the entrance. The passenger descended and executed in cold blood, from a distance of half a meter, two youths of 22 and 26. Before leaving, the terrorists shot the youths again, who were lying dead on the ground. They literally emptied their weapons on them. Another citizen was gravely injured by a bullet. It is a miracle that we are not mourning more victims. It was a blind hit and the criminals’ aim was to execute whomever was present at the Golden Dawn offices at the time.
Golden Dawn has requested police protection of its offices, as it has received threats, but the traitorous Samaras government refused!
The anti-Greek government of Samaras is guilty of the crime, that made the anti-terrorist squad put on a show in front of the cameras to hurt Golden Dawn, and left terrorists unchecked, to execute youths in cold blood.
The corrupt mainstream media are guilty for targeting a legal political party and Greek citizens.”

Nikos Dendias, minister for public order and citizens’ protection: “I express my anguish for the death of two young people. The law will be imposed on all. The country will not be allowed to become a place where scores are settled [violently], for whatever reason.”

Government spokesperson Simos Kedikoglou: “The murderers, whoever they are, will be dealt with unsparingly by our democracy, the justice system and a united Greek society. Let everyone know this.”

Coalition partner party, PASOK: “The heinous event that is the murder of two young people, imposes the unanimous and absolute condemnation of violence by the whole of Greek society. Democracy and legitimacy stand in opposition to violence, it is they which protect the country, together with the calm and unity of the Greek people.”

Main opposition SYRIZA: “Today’s killing creates a climate of destabilization and is taking [direct] aim at democracy. It must absolutely be condemned and isolated morally, ideologically and politically.”

Dimitris Papadimoulis, SYRIZA spokesperson: “Tonight’s killings were professionally executed, whoever was behind them. They have struck a blow against democracy and society. They encourage fascism rather than hurting it.”

Leader of Independent Greek party, Panos Kammenos: “Some are getting ready to lead the country into civil war. We call for unity, [common purpose] and national resistance against those who are conspiring against national sovereignty through discord.”

Greek Communist Party (KKE): “KKE condemns the murderous attack outside the offices of Golden Dawn in Neo Irakleio. This attack creates serious questions as to the motives and aims it serves.”

Democratic Left (DiMar): “Dimar condemns with outrage the murder of two young people outside Golden Dawn offices. Democracy and legitimacy will stand against such phenomena that want to impose the vicious circle of violence and blood.”

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