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The antifascist struggle will continue

On Friday 1 November in Athens two Golden Dawn members were shot in cold blood. The attacks were done in a professional manner and there is no further evidence about the attackers or the motives. Nonetheless the attack is shocking by its cruelty and the death of two young men.

However, from the very first moment the government and the mainstream media try to link the attacks with the anti-fascist struggle in Greece by presenting this without evidence or indications as an act of extreme left terrorists. In this way, the government and the media try to counter-balance this act with the murder of antifascist Pavlos Fyssas by Golden Dawn members a month ago.

This act, from wherever it comes from, is hostile and alien to the massive antifascist movement that has developed in Greece the last period. The government and the government-driven mainstream media are taking advantage of these murders to terrorize the Greek people that want to rise up against the austerity measures
imposed to them by the government and the Troika. They try to enhance the government’s efforts to establish the unhistorical “two extremes theory” and present itself as the neutral stabilizer of the Greek society and to disorient the public opinion from the harsh economic reality.

We assure them that the movement will be neither intimidated nor terrified.

The antifascist struggle and the struggle against the government’s policies will continue.



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Number of Entries : 435

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