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Few words about the political prisoners from Turkey

This post is about Ahmet Yüksel, Erdğan Çakır, Hasan Biber and Mehmet Yayla, who have been in hunger strike since 24/9.

Ahmet Yüksel and Erdğan Çakır are facing the danger of extradition in Germany and France 12respectively and Hasan Biber and Mehmet Yayla in Turkey. All of them have asked for a political asylum. For Ahmet Yüksel and Erdğan Çakır arrest warrants are issued for pending decisions regarding their solidarity actions for Turkish people.


These political prisoners were arrested in 30/7/2013 after a police raid in the offices of solidarity committee for Turkish and Kurdish political prisoners.

turkey4317Solidarity Committee for Turkish and Kurdish political prisoners, is organizing days of solidarity action and distributes information materials about the 4 political prisoners and their extraditions. Authorities respond to their mobilization with prosecutions and detentions. In the last 24 hours, 7 solidaritarians have been detained at least three times with the accusation of “Environmental pollution”.

Düzgün Yüksel, as a lawyer back in Turkey, he used to take over murder and human rights cases, as a result he was targeted by fascists and he immigrated in Germany. In Germany, with accusations including democratic activities such as the 1st of May protest, organization of concerts, solidarity actions for political prisoners, distribution of information materials, he was arrested and kept as prisoner in solitary confinement for 4 years. Due to the unsanitary conditions of solitary confinement he got sick and then paroled. In order to not get arrested again in Germany, he immigrated in Greece, asking for a political asylum, but got arrested and his extradition back in Germany was decided. In Germany he will be sentenced to 3 more years in solitary confinement. Ahmet Düzgün Yüksel, in order to stop this injustice against him, is on a hunger strike to the death since 24/9.

Erdoğan Çakır, is a worker in France and has been a rebel for 36 years. He was sentenced to prison for 7 years, because he took part in democratic activities such as the organization of concerts with  the band “yorum”, selling political magazines and going for camping on summer. In order to not serve the 7 year sentence, he immigrated in Greece. When he came to Greece, he was arrested and his extradition to France was decided. Erdoğan Çakır in order to stop this injustice against him, is on a hunger strike to the death since 24/9.κατάλογος

Hasan Biber, was arrested in 30/7/2013. He was a president of a trade union, and because of his syndicalist activities in Turkey, he’s been arrested many times in the past. On September 26, his trial took place at the court of Piraeus, where his extradition to Turkey was decided. Hasan Biber’s file included also an official document of USA. USA asked Greece for every information they have about Hasan Biber, Mehmet Yayla and the rebel from Turkey Bulut Yayla, who was abducted, not long ago, in front of many people in Athens, and then handed over the fascist Turkish Government that asked FBI to take part in the interrogation of the arrestees. This document proves that Greece has handed over even her justice to USA. Today, the decision of Hasan Biber’s extradition is in other words, the validation of his execution in Turkey.

Hasan Biber stated that: “Fascism is not a threat just for our country, but for the countries near Turkey as well. Especially Greece. Your ships, your airplanes, are being harassed. Greek people are underestimated. We are fighting against all these things. And for this reason, I believe that this decision is unjust.” and announced he is going on a hunger strike to death.

Mehmet Yayla was arrested in 30/7/2013. USA asked from Greece every single information they have about him. He started a hunger strike in 29th of Septemper in solidarity with his comrades’ struggles.



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