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Fight austerity and free trade! Blockade the EU Summit!

Join citizens, farmers, NGOs and trade unions from across Belgium to fight back against the EU’s destructive austerity policies and its attempt to give corporations the keys to Europe through a new EU-US free trade deal:

****BLOCKADE THE EU SUMMIT – 19 DEC 2013!****

The day of action is organised by the D19-20 Alliance (CEO is one of the supporter organisations), and is part of two days aimed at fighting the EU’s ultra-neoliberal austerity policies and for democracy, food sovereignty and the future of the planet.


18th December – Meeting Against Austerity

Headed up by Susan George (ATTAC France, Transnational Institute), eminent speakers from across European society will be speaking about how the impacts of ultra neoliberal austerity policies are felt on a daily basis. 18:00 – Bvd Roi Albert II, 5, 1210 Brussels


  • Welcome

18:30 – 19:00

  • Introduction to the D19-20 Alliance (Luc Hollands, MIG-EMB), the Alter Summit Network (Myriam Bourgy, CADTM Belgium), the issues at stake and the speakers

19:00 – 21:00

  • Key note speech by Susan George (ATTAC France, Transnational Institute)
  • Alberto Martinez (Spain, representing the movement against evictions)
  • Hans-Jurgen Urban (German trade unionist, IG Metal)
  • Raquel Freire (Portugal, precarious movement organiser)
  • Soizic Dubot (Belgium, Vie féminine)
  • Mamadouba (Greece, immigrant victim of the Greek extreme right)
  • Sieta van Keipema (Holland, farmer)
  • Annie Masse (France, ‘Right to health’ network)
  • Conclusions by Myriam Bourgy (CADTM Belgium)

21:00 – 21:30

  • What will happen during the blockade on 19th December? Q&A

19th December – Blockade of the European Summit

The strategic crossroads have been announced – CEO will be at Blockade #4 – join us there from 7am!

The blockade will take place at the following five locations until a delegation of D19-20 is received by Herman Van Rompuy (President of the European Council of Ministers), Karel De Gucht (European Commissioner for Trade) and Elio Di Rupo (Belgian Prime Minister)

1. Rue d’Arenberg Straat/ Boulevard de l’Impératrice – Keizerinlaan (organisation responsible: MIG)

2. Rue royale /Avenue du Botanique (organisation responsible: ACOD-CGSP LRB-ALR)

3. Rue Béliard straat/Avenue des Arts – Kunstlaan (organisation responsible: CNE)

4. Avenue d’Auderghem straat/ rue Béliard straat (organisation responsible: FUGEA)

  • Geen Martin 0491563388
  • CEO will be here from 7am – come and join us

5. rue Stevin straat, avenue Livingstone laan (organisation responsible: ACV-CSC BHV et CSC BW)

6. Point de ralliement à la levée du blocage: Parc du Cinquantenaire, entrée côté Schuman

Link to all the locations on google maps

Spread the word, tell your friends, colleagues and families, get your organisation to sign-up, put up posters, print out flyers, book the day off work!


About the Alliance D19-20

Following the call from the D19-20 platform in October, many representatives and active members of Belgian civil society gathered to build a broad coalition and a counter-balance against the attacks by the European Union on all sections of the population. The first assembly was attended by over 80 people representing farmers, citizens, working people, the unemployed, artists, trade unions, NGOs, social movements, community organisers and activitsts etc.

All responded to the call because of a shared belief that the time has come to join forces rather than each fighting in silos for sectoral victories. Those in attendance took turns at the podium to affirm their commitment to converge their struggles and to create unity against the ultra-neoliberal austerity policies embodied in the TSCG treaty and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP); they pledged to fight for democracy, food sovereignty and the future of the planet. All called on Belgian civil society to come together and raise the pressure at the national level, specifically disrupting the European summit on 19 and 20 December in Brussels.

Concretely, it was decided to organize a meeting on December 18 bringing together European and Belgian voices from diverse backgrounds to highlight the consequences of policies pursued by the European Union and to organize one or more actions to stop the EU summit taking place on 19 and 20 December.

The next meeting will be held on 9 /12 from 20h-22h at Rue de Congress 17-19, 1000 Brussels. Join us!

Faced with neoliberal logic that’s destroying our democratic, social, economic, ecological and cultural future, we will resist and show that there is an alternative!

Alliance D19-20 website (in French, Dutch and German)


Tel: 0479 43 21 11 (Luc Hollands)

Background material from Corporate Europe Observatory

About austerity…

Troika for everyone Why and how EU economic governance affects our daily lives. A beginners guide to the EU response to the crisis – on the Troika and the new system of neoliberal economic governance.

Subsidised layoffs. About the new “automatic austerity” laws.

About the Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership (TTIP)…

A transatlantic corporate bill of rights Investor privileges in EU-US trade deal threaten public interest

Busting the myths of transparency around the EU-US trade deal

119 meetings with industry lobbyists European Commission preparing for EU-US trade talks

Leaked European Commission PR strategy: “Communicating on TTIP”


About The Author

Number of Entries : 435

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