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Carols Protest

By the end of summer 2013, the Troika has shut down a total of 1038 primary and secondary education schools in Greece. During last summer, it has also dissolved technical / vocational education by erasing 46 positions for specialized teachers, paving the way to private education and showing the way out to the students who can’t afford it. Because of this, 2500 technical school teachers’s status became “on labor reserve scheme”, receiving the 75% of their wage for 9 months. If after 9 months, they won’t be redirected to another position, they will be laid off.


A few days ago, a group of them showed up in front of prime minister’s, Antonis Samaras residence in Athens, to sing the Christmas carols for him. Watch the video someone managed to film before the police stopped them.

This is their carols’ text in English:

“Antonis Samaras
listen carefully
the teachers are singing
the Christmas carols for you!
We used to be in the classrooms,
inside the schools
and you now throw us all out at once
you shut the schools down
leaving the poor students out
and you take away society’s happiness
Antonis Samaras, listen carefully!
These lay offs will remain on paper
We will return to our schools
We will win in broad daylight”

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