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Pavlos Antonopoulos talks to ReINFORM about the EU antipopular policies and his arrest

Pavlos Antonopoulos talks to ReINFORM about the EU antipopular policies, the anti EU protest on 8/1/14 and his arrest and State terrorism.

On 8/1/14 the Greek government organized festivities for taking over the presidency of the EU. The protest organized by radical left organizations in Athens has been banned by the police on purely political grounds. The organizations of the left that organize the protest have decided to defy the ban and go on with the demonstrations. Several trade unions and political parties of the left denounced the ban.

Pavlos Antonopoulos, a trade unionist from the board of the union of civil servants (ADEDY) and member of the left wing organization ANTARSYA, was arrested and handcuffed for defying the demonstration ban. At Omonia Square in the center of Athens, several hundreds of protesters defied the ban of demonstrations against the festivities for the Greek EU Presidency. They were attacked with tear gas by the riot police. Pavlos Antonopoulos trial will be tomorrow.

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