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“Depression Era” project: Greek photographers capture Depression

“The Depression Era project takes us past the age of happy endings. It navigates, with open-ended innocence, a world of deepening humanitarian crisis, ruin landscapes, insecurity, cracked democracy and an everyday culture of mediated hopelessness. A collective storytelling experiment emerges, connecting significant instants and documenting untold stories in a mosaic of images and texts.
The Depression Era project brings together 30+ artists, photographers, writers, curators, designers and researchers. Its immediate goals are the broadcast and dynamic exploration of this mosaic on an online platform, a series of international exhibitions and publications. The Depression Era collective agrees that its images and texts are not Greek, but European, viewports to the shape of things to come, straddling the red line and offering an alternative, unofficial story to the Crisis.”

(extracts from Depression Era’s “about” and “statement”)

Here is a sample of photos:





Here is the full site:






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Number of Entries : 45

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