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Massive high school student protests all over Greece

“Our dreams, their nightmares”, “Money for the education, not the bankers”, “When injustice becomes a law, resistance becomes a duty”, “Assemblies, sit-ins to overthrow the ‘New High School’” – read the banners of the high school students in Greece, who massively took the streets yesterday protesting against the ‘New High School’, the law voted by the Greek government aiming at the structural transformation of high schools and the exam system for access to higher education.


An extract of the students’ announcement in Veria, northern Greece, reads: “Because we want a school that will educate us and not wear us out, that will not be based on whether our parents can afford our education or not, that will offer well-rounded knowledge to all students. The school created for us according to the rules of the EU and the governments supporting it, turns education into a commodity, gives fragmented knowledge and skills that will make us the kind of cheap and flexible labour they want us to be, with the head bowed in obedience.”

On Thursday 6/11 at 14:00 there will be a march by the whole education community throughout Greece, while at 18:00 on the same day, high school students will participate in the general protest against the policies of the government and the Troika.


A poster signed by the assemblies of higher education and high school students as well as the trade unions in the education sector: Bread Education Freedom / People and the youth will crash the government and the Troika / We struggle for public free education and rights for all, for life and work with dignity and freedoms / 6/11 @14:00: March of the whole education community all over Greece against the dominant policy in education @18:00: We support the general protest against the government-Troika and their policies

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Slogan on the banner: 10 hours at the extra-education school / 7 hours at the school / We had imagined our 17 years differently / They steal the best years of our lives


“ΝO to the New System”, say with their bodies the students of Nikaia, one of the poorest neighbourhoods of Athens.


Slogan on the banner: A system made by LIDL

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Slogan on the banner: Sit-ins all over Greece

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