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Neonazi Violence in Zurich

On Thursday 6th of November, a company of 4 Greeks got attacked by a Neonazi gang inside a tram which was heading towards Bahnofstrasse from Rennweg. The attack continued in the area of the Bahnofstrasse tram station.

Once they were identified as Greeks, they got provoked by the gang who started yelling “Golden Dawn” at them. When the Greeks expressed their disagreement with the ideology of “Golden Dawn”, the gang members started singing songs praising Adolf Hitler. Without any provocative act by the Greeks, the gang members attacked them physically, resulting in a member being transported to the hospital for first aid bringing major trauma to his eye. It was obviously an act of violence driven by ethnic, racial and political hatred.

This incident highlights the danger of the rise of neo-Nazism and Fascist violence in our time, even in a city with thousands of immigrants who contribute substantially in the prosperity of the society. Innocent people were attacked due to their nationality and the fact that they democratically expressed their opposition to Hitler and Nazism.

As members of the academic community and active citizens, we want to clearly state that such incidents cannot be tolerated. Instead, we ask all authorities to actively oppose against any act of violence that reminds us of the darkest moments in the history of mankind.

Moreover, one should not be deceived and believe that it was just an “unfortunate incident”. Such incidents are blatant and indisputable proof of the rise of neo-Nazism across Europe, even in the multicultural city of Zurich. Hearing upon this horrendous act, we have to individually and collectively rise against the violation of our democratic rights in order to stop the spread of hatred. For a democratic society with respect to human life. To all those haters out there: we are not afraid!

Fascism Never Again
Freedom – Democracy – Equality – Decency



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