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Dam Square Demonstration 15/02

On Sunday 15th of February, hundreds of people gathered at Dam Square, Amsterdam to demonstrate against the neoliberal austerity policies of the EU, to express their solidarity and make their voice heard.



We the people of Dam Square, we demand

- the write off of the debt

- the end of the austerity policies in Greece and in the Netherlands.

We fight

- so that we don’t allow the banks to lead our lives

- for the right of the people to make their own destiny.


We will not pay the crisis of the banks!
We will take our lives into our own hands!
We will live free from their shackles!
We will meet again in the streets!
Solidarity is our weapon!


The following groups joined us expressing their solidarity:
Internationale Socialisten
Platform Stop Racisme en Uitsluiting
Youth of Syriza in The Netherlands
DIDF (Federation of Democratic Associations of Turkish Workers in the Netherlands)
Cypriots living in The Netherlands
Federation of Greek Communities in The Netherlands
Critical Collective
Kritische Studenten Utrecht
Kritische Studenten Amsterdam
Ander Europa
SP Amsterdam (Department of the Socialist Party of the Netherlands in Amsterdam)
De Rode Morgen
Podemos Amsterdam
SP Beuningen
Vakbondsstrijd Vecht voor je Recht
SP Utrecht
SP Rotterdam
Committee for the Abolition of Third World Debt
Transnationals Information Exchange (TIE)- Netherlands
Anarchistische Groep Nijmegen
Gezi Solidarity Netherlands




Source of videos & pictures: The people of Dam Square

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Number of Entries : 12

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