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Global action team against the IMF and the International Banking system

Direct Power, or dp, is a global action team against the IMF and the international banking system. It will soon become a large organization. dp coordinates action against banks and bankers in different countries.

Banks rather than governments are the most important players in today’s capitalism. Because profits in production (industry and agriculture) have remained low since the 1970s, the rich invest money in various financial schemes. Because of the greedy, parasitical nature of the system, there can be no exit from the current financial crisis other than some new and temporary financial bubble.

Capitalism is nearing its death. By striking at the banking system we seek to hasten its end. Our aim is to live in a society where goods are produced for people and not for profit.

dp was founded in July 2011, in Syntagma Square, Athens, to combat the attempts of the European Union and the IMF to transform the international financial crisis into a crisis for the working people of Greece and the world.

We understand our problems cannot be solved in Greece alone. Money knows no borders. How can its flight be prevented to Swiss banks and offshore tax havens around the world? Global problems demand global solutions!

The rich have their international organizations (IMF, EU, NATO, etc) that are designed to divide and repress us. We answer with own global organization – dp! We aim to open chapters of dp all over the world.

What exactly do we do at dp?

The list below keeps growing as new members contribute their ideas for action:

- Expose the activities of banks and other financial institutions, and condemn the consequences of these activities.

- Organize protests outside banks.

- Coordinate international protests against multinational banks and companies (e.g. we protest outside the offices of Citibank in different countries, and do so simultaneously all over the world).

-Refute and reject the “arguments” of politicians and spokespeople of large banks and financial organizations.

-Expose the parasitic relations between banks, governments, politicians, and businesspeople around the world.

-Expose people who live off the labor of others by speculating on the stock market and other money markets.

-Call for nationalization of banks in all countries.

-Protest against the confiscation by banks of the property of simple working people or the unemployed.


dp is open to all people except entrepreneurs, speculators, and bankers.

Decisions for local and global action are decided upon democratically by members of dp. The process is electronic, open and direct. Once the majority has spoken, decisions are binding on all members globally.

A dp member may at any moment withdraw from the team.

All dp global communication is in English; communication locally is in English or in the language(s) of the local area.

Although dp does not require fees or membership dues from its members, it makes an effort to provide moral and material support to all dp members and their families who are harassed or imprisoned for political reasons.

If you are interested in becoming an active member of the world’s first global action team against the IMF and the international banking system, or simply want to contribute your ideas for action, send us an email message to

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Number of Entries : 393

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